I am Pietro.  

I am Italian & 

I am an Osteopath.

I have a Master in Osteopathic Medicine. - M.Ost.

I am enrolled in the International Diploma of Animal Osteopathy - Int'l Dip AO.

Here you will find all the information you need, about me and about osteopathy.

About me

My Background and Studies

With a solid educational background, I hold a double title in osteopathy. 

I completed a rigorous five-year university course, earning a Diploma in Italy, through the International College of Osteopathic Medicine (ICOM). 

This comprehensive program provided in-depth knowledge in areas such as AnatomyPhysiologyPathologyBiomechanics, and extensive practical training, including over 1500 hours of clinical experience. During this time, my focus was on Structural OsteopathyVisceral OsteopathyCranio-Sacral Osteopathy, and Indirect Treatment Approach.

To further enhance my expertise, I pursued a Master's degree in Osteopathy in the UK through the Kington University. This intensive two-year program correspond to a Level 7 FHEQ, and honed my skills in Differential DiagnosisClinical and Critical thinking, and Patient Management

The combination of Italian and UK qualifications equips me with a broad and well-rounded approach to patient care.

In addition to my osteopathic qualifications, I also hold a diploma as a Massage Therapist. Through a two-year comprehensive course with KERN School, I have acquired expertise in various massage modalities, including Traditional MassageSports MassageBandage and Functional Bandage TechniquesKinesio TapingCupping Therapy, and Lymphatic Drainage Technique.

My website serves as a platform to provide valuable information about osteopathy, the conditions I can address, and the range of techniques and modalities I employ. Whether you are seeking relief from back pain, joint discomfort, or other musculoskeletal issues, I offer personalised treatment plans tailored to your unique needs.

I am dedicated to delivering high-quality care in a professional and compassionate manner, aiming to improve your mobility, alleviate pain, and enhance your overall well-being. I invite you to explore my website to learn more about me, my qualifications, and the services I provide. 

Don't hesitate to contact me for any further inquiries or to schedule an appointment.

Together, we can restore your body's balance and help you regain optimal health.

My Story

I immediately fell in love with osteopathy when I had my first osteopathic treatment at the age of 10.

I vividly remember stepping into the studio for my lower back issue and envisioning myself behind the desk, eagerly waiting for patients to arrive. This thought brought a smile to my face every single time.

However, my journey towards a career in osteopathy was not a straightforward one. Prior to that, I had graduated as an Electrical Engineer, and I initially believed that my interest in the human body and manual therapies would remain a fulfilling hobby on the side.

To my surprise, as I delved deeper into the study and exploration of osteopathy, I found it increasingly fascinating. Initially, I had no idea about the breadth and depth of the osteopathic profession, but it turned out to be the best decision I ever made.

What I truly appreciate and admire about this profession is its ability to help people improve their well-being. The most captivating aspect, which I discovered along the way, is that to an outside observer, the touch of an osteopath might seem almost magical.

However, the essence of this profession lies in its understanding of medical science. The goal is to remove the obstacles the body faces due to specific conditions, enabling the body's innate self-healing process to unfold.

The versatility of osteopathy lies in its ability to employ both gentle and firm techniques, adapting to the needs of each individual. This aspect, in addition to its inherent fascination, makes the profession truly remarkable. It is worth noting that these types of treatments are suitable for patients of all ages, ranging from newborns and babies to teenagers, adults, and the elderly.

When I'm not working, I dedicate most of my time to outdoor activities such as inline skating, golf, and rock climbing. I thrive on challenging myself and clearing my mind. Alternatively, I enjoy capturing precious moments with my camera."

Last but not least I would like to mention and thanks both my mum and dad for having supported me through this wonderful journey which would have not been possible otherwise, and my ex classmates and professors now friends and colleagues who has helped me grow and thrive to become the osteopath I am today. Thank you.


More about me

Courses I am enrolled

Being at the beginning of my career I think and believe that is extremely important to have a board and specialised knowledge, regarding the different type of patients and condition that I can face every day.

At present, I am actively pursuing additional courses and studies to further enhance my practice, expand my knowledge, and stay abreast of the latest advancements in the field.
Here are the current courses I am undertaking to enrich my expertise:

  1. Animal Osteopathic Course: I am currently enrolled in an Animal Osteopathic Course with the aim of obtaining the International Diploma in Animal Osteopathy. This course equips me with specialised skills and knowledge to provide osteopathic care for animals, broadening the scope of my practice to include animal patients.
  2. FIFA Online Course: To enhance my understanding of managing football and sports injuries from a medical and rehabilitation perspective, I am participating in an online course offered by FIFA. This course provides valuable insights into the specific needs and challenges of athletes, enabling me to provide targeted care and support for sports-related injuries.
  3. Post-Graduate Course in Indirect Treatment: Recognising the importance and intricacies of indirect treatment techniques, I am currently pursuing a post-graduate course dedicated to this area. This course allows me to delve deeper into the subject, expanding my knowledge and refining my skills in indirect treatment methods.
  4. Paediatric Treatment and Management: With a strong commitment to providing comprehensive care for paediatric patients, I am undergoing specialised training in paediatric treatment. Collaborating with esteemed practitioners and utilising my clinic's resources, I am actively expanding my expertise in addressing the unique needs of children and optimising their musculoskeletal health.

These endeavours allow me to offer a wider range of services, cater to diverse patient populations, and provide the most effective and up-to-date care possible.

As I continue to acquire new knowledge and refine my skills, I am better equipped to serve my patients, offering them the highest quality care and the most comprehensive treatment options available

My CPD - Continuous Practice Development

Are the proof that being a graduated osteopath you are always keeping your knowledge up to date and to guarantee the best and higher standard of care. These are an essential requirement as well to be registered with the General Osteopathic Council (GOsC), the Osteopathic Regulatory body.

In this my first 3 years I focused my CPD courses on the following courses:

  1. A Manual Approach to Treat the Unsettled Baby: focused no analysing the pain aspect in babies, evaluating the Autonomous nervous system, the vagus nerve, the vestibular system, gastro-oesophageal reflux , colic and constipation.
  2. An introduction to working with babies and children: aimed to identify the main sign and symptoms related to specific condition and/or disease in which case a referral to a Specialist would be needed.
  3. The meaningful movement: explaining how the metabolism in our body can change due to stress, depression, trauma and can lead to pathological conditions and how to reduce stress level during treatments.
  4. Operator Update Course for Cervical, Thoracic and Lumbo-Pelvic Spinal Radiography focusing in identify and analyse abnormalities on X-Rays examination.

By engaging in these ongoing studies and courses, I demonstrate my dedication to continuous professional development and ensuring that my practice remains at the forefront of the field.

Other Courses

  • Meaningful Movement - Cranio-Sacral Approach 
  • Fluid Homeostasis in Health & Desease - F. Willard 
  • Fetal Anatomy & Neonat’s Anatomy - F.Willard
  • Biotensegrity - John Sharkey

About Osteopathy

What is osteopathy

Osteopathy is classified as a complementary medicine, it is aimed to complete patients course of care and wellness. Is a distinct branch of healthcare that focuses on the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of musculoskeletal disorders and their impact on overall health. Developed in the late 19th century, osteopathy takes a holistic approach, considering the interconnectedness of the body's structure and function.

Osteopathy is built upon four core principles that guide its practice:

  1. The body is a unit: Osteopathy recognizes that the body functions as a whole, with all its systems and structures interrelated and interdependent. It emphasizes the importance of considering the body as an integrated unit in diagnosis and treatment.
  2. The body has self-healing mechanisms: Osteopathy acknowledges that the body has inherent self-regulatory and self-healing mechanisms. Osteopathic practitioners aim to facilitate and support these mechanisms to restore health and balance.
  3. Structure and function are interrelated: Osteopathy emphasizes the interrelationship between the body's structure and its optimal function. Any disruption or imbalance in the musculoskeletal system can impact overall health and well-being.
  4. Treatment is based on individuality: Osteopathy recognizes that each person is unique. Osteopathic practitioners tailor their treatment approaches to suit the individual needs of the patient, taking into account their specific condition, medical history, and lifestyle.

Why Osteopathy

The final goal is to provide the best management of each and any specific condition.

Osteopathy operates on the principles of holistic healthcare, recognising the interconnectedness of the body's structure, function, and self-healing mechanisms. Through a range of manual techniques, osteopathic practitioners work to restore balance, improve mobility, optimise and maintain function. By addressing the underlying causes of musculoskeletal disorders and promoting the body's innate healing abilities, osteopathy offers a unique approach to achieving and maintaining health and well-being.


How does Osteopathy work

Osteopathy works by addressing the underlying causes of musculoskeletal disorders and promoting the body's self-healing mechanisms. Here's how it operates:

  • Assessment and diagnosis: Osteopathic practitioners begin by conducting a comprehensive assessment, including a detailed medical history, physical examination, and palpation of tissues and structures. This helps identify areas of dysfunction, imbalance, or restrictions in the body.
  • Treatment and intervention: Based on the assessment findings, the osteopath devises an individualised treatment plan. Through manual techniques, they aim to restore balance, improve mobility, and optimise function in the affected areas. Treatment may also include advice on exercise, posture, ergonomics, and lifestyle modifications.
  • Integration and collaboration: Osteopathy recognises the value of collaboration with other healthcare professionals. Osteopaths may work alongside physicians, physical therapists, or other specialists to ensure comprehensive care and address the broader aspects of the patient's health.
  • Prevention and maintenance: Osteopathy emphasises preventive care and patient education. Osteopaths provide guidance on self-care strategies, exercises, and lifestyle modifications to help patients maintain optimal health, prevent future injuries, and manage chronic conditions.

My patient care service is second to none..

I don't just make you feel better and send you on your way, 

I am always happy to answer any questions you may have

"Take care of your body it is the only place you have to live" - J.R. -

Master of Osteopathic Medicine 

M.Ost R.Q. - GoSC number. 10742

International Diploma in Animal Osteopathy

Int'I Dip AO - coming soon
